Vision and Missions of the School of Agriculture - UBA


FAUBA´s mission is to lead in the process of circulation, distribution, and application of agronomical knowledge (scientific, technological, technical) that takes place in the interaction between the social and the natural systems, with clear principles of sustainability and ethics as the axis of its action.


To form suitable and flexible human resources with a proactive attitude toward the dynamics of the productive sectors of agricultural base, assuming values of equity, solidarity and respect for the environment.

  1. To Articulate teaching, research, extension, transfer and services in order to offer an academic and professional activity that is coherent with the national and international context, through undergraduate and postgraduate (specialization, masters and doctoral) and technical programs.
  2. To offer flexible, open curricula proposals, supported by an interactive and dynamic concept of teaching and learning.
  3. To produce scientific, technological and technical agricultural knowledge integrated into a systemic view
  4. To provide extension and transfer services to the public and private sectors.
  5. To foster links between our graduates and our School so as to integrate them into its vision, mission and objectives.
  6. To design and implement permanent mechanisms to identify social demands and changes that will help update the curricula, and define lines of research and extension methods.
  7. To partner with the local milieu vis-à-vis a continuous interaction of mutual enrichment.