Agreements and Transfer of Technology

The interaction between the School of Agronomy and society, (i.e. the productive community) is fundamental to the country's economic and technological growth. The transfer of knowledge and technical resources to the society along with the need to create innovative enterprises which are in sync with the environment is the road to building sustainable development. In this context, the School has an ever more relevant role in carrying out joint projects with all the players in agribusiness and related industries to meet educational, scientific, technical or productive objectives.

The Directorate of Technology Transfer, Internship, Development and Services has the role of mediator between the School and the organization; it connects, promotes and manages mutually beneficial exchanges that materialize in agreements with the private or public sector, both at home and abroad, with the purpose of:

  • Promoting scientific and technological exchange with research or educational institutions;
  • Providing technical support to governmental and non governmental organizations;
  • Carrying out projects of study, research, development or transfer of knowledge to the private sector.

These agreements are materialized as a result of the work of professionals specialized in diverse transfer strategies. The fruit of their efforts is to have raised the professional level of the School's human resources as well as to have improved the School's infrastructure. They have also contributed to the development of new productive technologies, useful knowledge and scientifically and socially valuable products.


Directorate of Internship and Technology Transfer

Central Hall, School of Agriculture
on to Fri, 9 a.m. to 15:30 p.m. Tel: +54-11-5287-0447