Publicaciones (últimos 5 años)
Capítulos de libro
- D Wassner, A Barrio, D Rondanini, M Bargiela. Capítulo 8.1. Cultivos productores de biocombustibles. En: Cultivos Industriales. Elba de la Fuente et al. Buenos Aires, Editorial Facultad de Agronomía-Universidad de Buenos Aires (en prensa)
- NV Gómez, D Miralles, P Vilariño, D Rondanini. Capítulo 2.4. Colza. En: Cultivos Industriales. Elba de la Fuente et al. Buenos Aires, Editorial Facultad de Agronomía-Universidad de Buenos Aires (en prensa)
- M López Pereira, N Trápani, D Rondanini, G Arata. Capítulo 2.3. Girasol. En: Cultivos Industriales. Elba de la Fuente et al. Buenos Aires, Editorial Facultad de Agronomía-Universidad de Buenos Aires (en prensa)
- EL Ploschuk, DF Wassner, M López Pereira, D Rondanini, LB Windauer. Capítulo 2.1. Cultivos productores de aceites. En: Cultivos Industriales. Elba de la Fuente et al. Buenos Aires, Editorial Facultad de Agronomía-Universidad de Buenos Aires (en prensa)
- Curti, R.N, Bertero, H.D. Chapter 2. Botanical context for domestication in South America. In: Compendium of Plant Genomes. Quinoa. (S. Schmockel, ed.) Springer Verlag,Switzerland,
- Otegui., M.E., Cirilo, A.G., Uhart, S.A., and Andrade, F.H. 2021. Chapter 1. Maize. In: V.O. Sadras, and D.F. Calderini (Eds), ‘Crop Physiology: Case histories for major crops’. Academic Press, Elsevier, pp: 2-43. Book ISBN: 9780128191941. Chapter doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-819194-1.00001-3
- Bertero, H.D. Chapter 7. Quinoa. In: V.O. Sadras, and D.F. Calderini (Eds), ‘Crop Physiology: Case histories for major crops’. Academic Press, Elsevier. Book ISBN 978-0-12-819194-1. Chapter doi:
- Kirkegaard J.A., Lilley J.M., Berry P.M., Rondanini D.P. Chapter 17. Canola. In: V.O. Sadras, and D.F. Calderini (Eds), ‘Crop Physiology: Case histories for major crops’. Academic Press, Elsevier. pp 518-549. Book ISBN 978-0-12-819194-1. Chapter doi:
- Bertero, H.D. 2020. Recuperación de la quinoa del Noroeste Argentino. Pp. 114-121 en (L. Rosenstein, E. Saini, M. Nutti y P. Henriquez, eds.) Concurso de Casos Exitosos 2019. Lecciones de la agricultura familiar y su vinculación con la nutrición en América Latina y el Caribe. Fontagro. Caso finalista del concurso.
- Poggio, SL. 2020. Corredores rurales: su rol en los sistemas de producción sostenibles. En: ‘Sistemas productivos sostenibles’ (ed. Emilio H. Satorre). Asociación Argentina de Consorcios Regionales de Experimentación Agrícola – AACREA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, pp. 229-245.
Artículos científicos en revistas científicas indexadas (últimos 5 años)
- Hisse, I.R., D'Andrea, K.E., Otegui, M.E. Diallel analysis of kernel weight and grain-filling traits grown under contrasting nitrogen availability. Agronomy Journal (en prensa).
- Rivelli GM, Gomez NV, Mantese AI, Miralles DJ, Abeledo LG, Rondanini DP (2023) Photothermal quotient describes the combined effects of heat and shade stresses on canola seed productivity. Seeds 2(1):149-164.
- Veas REA, Ergo VV, Vega CRC, Lascano RH, Rondanini DP, Carrera CS (2022) Soybean seed growth dynamics exposed to heat and water stress during the filling period under field conditions. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 208: 472-485. 10.1111/jac.12523
- de San Celedonio, RP; Abeledo, LG; Striker, G.G; Miralles, DJ. 2022. Nitrogen accumulation and remobilisation in wheat and barley plants exposed to waterlogging at different developmental stages. Crop and Pasture Science 73: 615-626.
- Becherán, DE; Miralles, DJ Abeledo, LG; Alvarez Prado S.; de San Celedonio, RP. 2022. Source-sink limitations for grain weight in wheat and barley under waterlogging conditions during pre-anthesis. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 208: 76-88. DOI: 10.1111/jac.12571
- Mercado Alvarez, K., Bertero H.D., Paytas M.J., Ploschuk E.L. Mesophyll conductance modulates photosynthetic rate in cotton crops exposed to heat stress under field conditions. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. DOI: 10.1111/jac.12536
- Amas, J.I., Fernández, J.A., Curin, F., Cirilo, A.G., Ciampitti, I.A., Otegui, M.E. 2022. Maize genetic progress in the central Pampas of Argentina: effects of contrasting sowing dates. Field Crops Res., FIELD-D-21-01600 (en prensa).
- Lacasa, J., Ciampitti, I.A., Amas, J.I., Curín, F., Luque, S.F., Otegui, M.E. 2022. Breeding effects on canopy light attenuation in maize: a retrospective and prospective analysis. Journal of Experimental Botany, erab503,
- Raineri, J., Caraballo, L., Rigalli, N., Portapila, M., Otegui, M.E., Chan, R. 2022. Expressing the Sunflower Transcription Factor HaHB11 in Maize Improves Waterlogging and Defoliation Tolerance. Plant Physiology, kiac054,
- Haro, R.J., Carrega, W.C., Otegui, M.E. 2022. Row spacing and growth habit in peanut crops: effects on seed yield determination across environments. Field Crops Research 275:108363.
- Hisse, I.R., Biganzoli, F., Peper, A.M., Poggio, S.L. 2022. Annual productivity of cropping sequences: Responses to increased intensification levels. European Journal of Agronomy. 126506.
- Hisse, I.R., D'Andrea, K.E., Otegui, M.E. 2022. Genetic analysis of maize grain yield components and physiological determinants under contrasting nitrogen availability. Crop and Pasture Science.
- Mercado Alvarez, K., Bertero H.D., Paytas M.J., Ploschuk E.L. 2022. Mesophyll conductance modulates photosynthetic rate in cotton crops exposed to heat stress under field conditions. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. DOI: 10.1111/jac.12536
- Hafeez M.B.; Shahzad M.A. Basra S.M.A.; Afzal I.; Iqbal S.; Saddiq M.S.; Zahra N.; Akram M.Z.; Bertero H.D.; Curti R.N. 2022. Assessment of Phenotypic Diversity in the USDA Collection of Quinoa Links Genotypic Adaptation to Germplasm Origin. Plants 2022, 11, 738.
- Curti, Ramiro N.,Pablo Ortega-Baez, Santiago Ratto, Héctor Daniel Bertero. Harnessing phenological traits of quinoa's wild ancestor to improve its climate adaptation. Crop and Pasture Science doi:10.1071/CP22187
- Rivelli GM, Fernández Long ME, Abeledo LG, Calderini DF, Miralles DJ, Rondanini DP. Assessment of heat stress and cloudiness probabilities in post-flowering of spring wheat and canola in the Southern Cone of South America. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 145: 1485-1502. 10.1007/s00704-021-03694-x
- Menendez YC, Sanchez DH, Snowdon R, Rondanini DP, Botto JF. Unraveling the impact of plant-density genetic architecture on agronomic traits in canola. Journal of Experimental Botany 72 (15) 5426-5441. 10.1093/jxb/erab191
- Arata AF, Rogers WJ, Tranquilli GE, Arrigoni AC, Rondanini DP. Nitrogen-sulfur fertilisation effects on gluten composition and industrial quality in Argentinean bread wheat cultivars differing in apparent sulfur recovery. Crop and Pasture Science 72: 183-196. 10.1071/CP20406
- Stanschewski C.S., Rey E., Fiene G., Craine E., Wellman G., Melino V.,Patiranage D.S.R., Johansen K., Schmöckel S., Bertero D., Oakey H., Coloque-Little C., Afzal I., Raubach S., Miller N., Streich J., Amby B.D., Warmington M., Mousa M., Wu D., Andreasen C., Jung C., Murphy K., Bazile D., Tester M. Quinoa Phenotyping Methodologies: An International Consensus. Plants 2021, 10 (9), 1759;
- Gómez M.B., Curti R.N., Bertero H.D. Seed weight determination in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.). Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. DOI: 10.1111/jac.12532
- Nguyen V.L., D. Bertero, Dinh. T. H., Nguyen V. L. 2021. Variation in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) root growth responses to drought stress. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. DOI: 10.1111/jac.12528
- Rauber, R., Demaría, M, Arroyo, D. Poggio, SL. 2021. Crop type and management are key filtering factors of functional traits in the weed communities of regions with contrasting soils and climates. Applied Vegetation Science 24, e12622.
- Iglesias, MA, D’Acunto, L, Poggio, SL, Semmartin, M. 2021. Land cover does not affect microbial and plant response to glyphosate and nitrogen application in the Pampas (Argentina). Applied Soil Ecology 160, 103863.
- Lacasa, J., Hefley, T.J., Otegui, M.E., Ciampitti, I.A. 2021. A practical guide to estimating the light extinction coefficient with nonlinear models—a case study on maize. Plant Methods 17, 60.
- Chazarreta, Y.D., Amas, J.I., Otegui, M.E. 2021. Kernel filling and desiccation in temperate maize: Breeding and environmental effects. Field Crops Research, 271, 108243. Doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2021.108243.
- Curin, F., Otegui, M.E., Gonzalez, F.G. 2021. Wheat yield progress and stability during the last five decades in Argentina. Field Crops Res. 269: 108183. Doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2021.108183.
- Hisse, I.R., D’Andrea, K.E., Otegui, M.E. 2021. Maize kernel weight responses to the photo-thermal environment. Crop Science, 61: 1996-2011. Doi: 10.1002/csc2.20481.
- Otegui, M.E., Riglos, M., Mercau, J.L. 2021. Genetically modified maize hybrids and delayed sowing reduced negative drought effects across a rainfall gradient in temperate Argentina. Journal of Experimental Botany, Volume 72, Issue 14, Pages 5180–5188,
- Cagnola, J.I., Parco, M., Rotili, D.H., Ploschuk, E., Curin, F., Amas, J.I., Luque, S.F., Maddonni, G.A., Otegui, M.E., Casal, J.J. 2021. Artificial selection for grain yield has increased net CO2 exchange of the ear leaf in maize crops. Journal of Experimenal Botany, erab119,
- Arias, C., Montero, E., Rigalli, N., Romagnoli, M., Curin, F., González, F., Otegui, M., Portapila, M. 2021. Ability of in situ canopy spectroscopy to differentiate genotype by environment interaction in wheat. Intl. Journal of Remote Sensing, 42 (10), 3660-3680. Doi: 10.1080/01431161.2021.1875148.
- Curin, F., D’Andrea, K.E., Luque, S.F., Cirilo, A.G., Otegui, M.E. 2021. Mejoramiento de maíz en Argentina: efecto sobre el progreso genético del rendimiento en grano y sus determinantes. Agronomía y Ambiente 41 (2), 59-68.
- Scursoni, JA; Martín, AN; Abbati, P; Bastanchuri, MM; Gueventter, M; Di Iorio, E; Pulido, A; Sherriff, T; Quistre, JP. 2021. Crecimiento, supervivencia y fecundidad de individuos de Avena fatua L. tratados con herbicidas inhibidores de ALS e inhibidores de ACCasa. RIA 47 (3): 361-366
- Carrera CS, Urretabizkaya N, Gontijo Mandarino JM, Santos Leite R, Szemruch C, Rondanini DP. Soybean pod and grain isoflavones accumulation during the filling period in field conditions. Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias RIA 47 (3): 338-343.
- Stanschewski C.S., Rey E., Fiene G., Craine E., Wellman G., Melino V.,Patiranage D.S.R., Johansen K., Schmöckel S., Bertero D., Oakey H., Coloque-Little C., Afzal I., Raubach S., Miller N., Streich J., Amby B.D., Warmington M., Mousa M., Wu D., Andreasen C., Jung C., Murphy K., Bazile D., Tester M. 2021. Quinoa Phenotyping Methodologies: An International Consensus. Plants 2021.10 (9), 1759;
- Curin, F., Severini, A.D., González, F.G., Otegui, M.E. 2020. Water and radiation use efficiencies in maize: Breeding effects on single-cross Argentine hybrids released between 1980 and 2012. Field Crops Res. 246,107683
- Gonzalez, F.G., Rigalli, N., Miranda, P.V., Romagnoli, M., Ribichich, K.F., Trucco, F., Portapila, M.I., Otegui, M.E., Chan, R.L. 2020. An interdisciplinary approach to study the performance of second-generation genetically modified crops in field trials: a case study with soybean and wheat carrying the sunflower HaBH4 transcription factor. Front. Plant Sci. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00178
- Ribichich, K.F., Chiozza, M., Avalos-Britez, S., Cabello, J.V., Arce, A.L., Watson, G., Arias, C., Portapila, M., Trucco, F., Otegui, M.E., Chan, R.L. 2020. Successful field performance in dry-warm environments of soybean expressing the sunflower transcription factor HaHB4. J.Exp. Bot. doi:10.1093/jxb/eraa064
- Rossini, M.A., Hisse, R.I., Otegui, M.E., D’Andrea, K.E. 2020 Heterosis and Parent-progeny Relationships for Silk Extrusion Dynamics and Kernel Number Determination in Maize: Nitrogen effects. Crop Sci. doi: 10.1002/csc2.20123
- Chan, R.L., Trucco, F., OTEGUI, M.E.. 2020. Why the second-generation transgenic crops are not yet available in the market? Journal of Experimental Botany, eraa415.
- Galizia, L.A., Munaro, E.M., Cirilo, A.G., OTEGUI, M.E., D'Andrea, K.E. 2020. Phenotypic plasticity for biomass partitioning in maize: genotype effects across a range of environments. Field Crops Res. 256, 107914. Doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2020.107914.
- Nguyen V. L., D. Bertero, Nguyen V. L. 2020. Genetic variation in root development responses to salt stresses of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.). Journal of Agronomy and Crop Sciences. DOI: 10.1111/jac.12411. DOI:
- Bagavathiannan M, Beckie H, Chantre G, Gonzalez-Andujar JL, Leon R, Neve P, Poggio SL, Schutte BJ, Somerville GJ, Werle R, Van Acker RC. 2020. Simulation models in weed ecology and management: Structure, quantitative insights, and applications Authors: Agronomy. 10 (10), 1611; - 21 Oct 2020
- Monasterolo M, Poggio SL, Medan D, Devoto M. 2020. Wider road verges sustain higher plant species richness and pollinator abundance in intensively managed agroecosystems Agriculture, Ecosystem & Environment 302, 107084
Vega, D, Gazzano, I, Salas-Zapata, W, Poggio, SL. 2020. Revising the concept of crop health from an agroecological perspective. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 40, 215-237. - Abbati, P.; Scursoni, J.A. 2020. Supervivencia, crecimiento y fecundidad de distintas poblaciones de Avena fatua L. tratadas con inhibidores de ALS. Revista Malezas. 3: 40-47
- Protocolo experimental para identificar posibles poblaciones resistentes de malezas. 2020. Julio Scursoni, Eduardo Cortés, Pablo Kalnay, Betina Kruk, José María Cichero, Elba de la Fuente, Luis Lanfranconi, Mario Vigna, Sebastián Sabaté, Fernando Oreja, Patricia Diez de Ulzurrum, Julián Oliva, Lucas Remondino, Marcelo de la Vega, Diego Ustarroz, Martín Vila Aiub.. Revista Malezas. 3: 24-27
- Scursoni JA, Vila Aiub MM, Tuesca D, Balassone F, Morello JP, Medina Herrera D, Lescano C, Montero Bulacio N, Crespo RJ y Depetris M. 2020. Respuesta a herbicidas con diferentes modos de acción (HRAC) en poblaciones de Amaranthus hybridus L. de la Argentina. Revista Malezas. 4: 72-81
- Wassner D, Gagliardi Reolon MB, Gómez NV, López CG, Rondanini DP. Rapeseed stubble as resource for bioenergy and biorefineries. Effect of genotype and cultivation conditions on chaff and stalk biomass and quality. Agronomía & Ambiente 40: 88-99.
- Gonzalez, F.G., Capella, M., Ribichich, K.F., Curin, F., Giacomelli, J.I., Ayala, F., Watson, G., Otegui, M.E., Chan, R.L. 2019. Field-grown transgenic wheat expressing the sunflower gene HaHB4 significantly outyields the wild type. Journal of Experimental Botany erz037.
- Hisse, I.R., D’Andrea, K.E., Otegui, M.E. 2019. Source-sink relations and kernel weight in maize inbred lines and hybrids: Responses to contrasting nitrogen supply levels. Field Crops Research 230: 151-159.
- Menendez, Y.C., Botto, J.F., Gomez, N., Miralles, D.J., Rondanini, D.P. 2019. Physiological maturity as a function of seed and pod water concentration in spring rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Field Crops Research 231: 1-9.
- Molina, GAR, Poggio, SL, Ghersa, CM. 2019. Parasitoid diversity and parasitism rates in Pampean agricultural mosaics are enhanced by landscape heterogeneity. Insect Conservation and Diversity 12, 309-320.
- Puhl LE, Miralles DJ, López CG, IriarteLB, Rondanini DP (2019) Genotype × environment interaction on the yield of spring oilseed rape (Brassica napus) under rainfed conditions in Argentine Pampas. Journal of Agricultural Science (Cambridge) 157: 235-244.
- Serrago, R.A., Lo Valvo, P.J., Miralles, D.J. 2019. Can the source:sink ratio at anthesis mitigate yield reductions caused by late foliar diseases in wheat? Field Crops Research 235, 11-17.
- Raineri, J., Campi, M., Chan, R.L., Otegui, M.E. 2019. Maize expressing the sunflower transcription factor HaHB11 has improved productivity in controlled and field conditions. Plant Sci. 287.
- Ruiz, M.B., D’Andrea, K.E., Otegui, M.E. 2019. Phenotypic plasticity of maize grain yield and related secondary traits: Differences between inbreds and hybrids in response to contrasting water and nitrogen regimes. Field Crops Res. 239:19-29.
- Szemruch CL, García FA, Zuil S, Teysseire C, Renzi JP, Cantamutto MA, Renteria SJ, Rondanini DP (2019) Dynamics of dry-down in seed, head and stalk from sunflower genotypes sprayed with chemical desiccants after physiological maturity. Turkish Journal of Agricultural, Food Science and Technology 7: 192-201.
- Vega, D, Gally ME, Romero, AM, Poggio, SL. 2019. Functional groups of plant pathogens in agroecosystems: a review. European Journal of Plant Pathology 153, 695–713.
- Curti, R.N, M. D. C. Sanahuja, S. M. Vidueiros, A. N. Pallaro, C. A. Curti, H. D. Bertero. 2019. Oil quality in sea level quinoa as determined by cultivar-specific responses to temperature and radiation conditions. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 100: 1358-1361. DOI 10.1002/jsfa.10092.
- Serrago, R. A., Lo Valvo, P. J., & Miralles, D. J. (2019). Is the source-sink ratio at anthesis a driver to avoid yield reductions caused by late foliar disease in wheat? Field Crops Research, 235, 11-17.
- Liu, Chun, Scursoni, J.A., Raúl Moreno, Ian A. Zelaya, María Sol Muñoz, Shiv S. Kaundun 2019. An individual‐based model of seed‐ and rhizome‐propagated perennial plant species and sustainable management of Sorghum halepense in soybean production systems in Argentina. Ecology and Evolution 1–12. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.5578
- Scursoni, JA, Duarte Vera AC, Oreja FH, Kruk, BC, de la Fuente EB. 2019. Weed management practices in Argentina crops. Weed Technol 33: 459–463. doi: 10.1017/ wet.2019.26
Publicaciones en revistas de extensión (A&A, Aacrea, Apresid, INTA, etc)
- Rondanini DP, López Pereira M, Szemruch CL, Teysseire C, Cantamutto MA. El girasol vuelve al ruedo con genética y manejo. Revista AAPRESID Julio 2022 Nº 207, 56-65 pp. ISSN 1850-0633.
- Rondanini DP, Arata GJ, Szemruch CL, López Pereira M. Conocimiento para potenciar la productividad de girasol. Revista Técnica Maíz 2021, Red de Innovadores, AAPRESID. Julio 2021. 52-61 pp. ISSN 1850-0633
- Rivelli GM, Abeledo LG, Calderini DF, Miralles DJ, Rondanini DP. Rendimiento de trigo y colza afectados por estrés térmico y sombreo en ambientes productivos contrastantes. Revista Técnica de Cultivos de Invierno, AAPRESID, SD. Abril 2021.10-16 pp. ISSN 1850-0633.
- Arata AF, Rogers WJ, Tranquilli GE, Arrigoni AC, Rondanini DP. ¿Qué factores condicionan la efectividad de la fertilización azufrada para mejorar la calidad panadera en trigo? Revista Técnica de Cultivos de Invierno, AAPRESID, SD. Abril 2021.81-89 pp. ISSN 1850-0633.
- Sangoy Dupuy, N, Poggio, SL, Coll, L. 2021. Productividad de soja de segunda y comunidades de malezas en sistemas de intensificación sustentable y de transición ecológica. Serie Extensión INTA Paraná Nº 88, pp. 34-40. Ediciones INTA.
- Rondanini D, Szemruch C, López Pereira M. Girasol: el confitero se abre camino. Revista Horizonte A, Año 16, Nº 134, 48-52. Diciembre 2020. ISSN 1668-3072.
- Rivelli GM, Fernández-Long ME, Miralles DJ, Abeledo LG, Rondanini DP. Escenarios climáticos adversos para algunas localidades productoras de trigo y colza en la región pampeana. Revista Técnica de Cultivos de Invierno, AAPRESID, SD. Abril 2020. 112-119. ISSN 1850-0633
- Fernández, C., Urretabizkaya, N., Szemruch, C., García, F., Rondanini, D. 2019. Determinación del impacto de chinches sobre la calidad química del grano de soja. Revista Horizonte A, Año 15, Nº 111, páginas 6-11 (Enero 2019) ISSN 1668-3072.
- Menéndez Y, Incógnito S, López C, Rondanini DP, Botto J. 2019. QTL vinculados a caracteres agronómicos asociados a la densidad en colza primaveral. Revista Técnica de Cultivos de Invierno, AAPRESID, SD. Abril 2019. ISSN 1850-0633
- Guía para la instalación de refugios de biodiversidad. 2018. Pignataro, AG, Biganzoli, F, Tognetti, PM, Poggio, SL. Paisajes Multifuncionales. Syngenta Argentina. Material basado en resultados del Proyecto de Desarrollo Tecnológico y Social (PDTS) ‘Ingeniería de comunidades vegetales en corredores rurales: promoción de servicios ecológicos en los agroecosistemas pampeanos’. Marzo 2019. CONICET, FAUBA, Syngenta Argentina.